đšī¸How to trade 1000X ?
Last updated
Last updated
The first step is [Deposit], you can deposit directly into 1000X account or transfer funds from perpetual trading account.
The default Leverage is [1000X], and the Take Profit is [100%], you can modify them.
The default investment margin is set at [10] USDC, which you can adjust as desired. With 1000X leverage, a 10 USDC investment results in a position amount of 10,000 USDC.
If you are bullish on the market, you should [Buy].
If you are bearish on the market, you should [Sell].
To view related parameters in full mode, you can switch to [full mode] using the top-right corner option.
When the price rises, a long position will generate profits, with a positive PnL. You can choose to continue holding the position to seek greater profits or click [Close] to lock in your profits.
Please be aware that your position will automatically be closed when it hits the take profit ratio.